
Antifa Lets Loose on Counter-Protest Demonstration in Paris, Punching and Kicking the Girls in an All-Female Group (Video)

The hyper-violent videos of the girls of "Némésis" lynched with punches and kicks, last night, Place de la République in Paris while they intervened during a left-wing demonstration against the National Rally

The Morandini website's title can hardly be clearer, concerning members of the right-leaning traditional women's group Némésis getting punched and kicked while crashing a far-left demonstration (including Antifa and Mediapart) in the nation's capital. The top two videos at Valeurs Actuelles are the most informative…

Women punched by men in the street during the anti-RN demonstration last night and the boss of the CGT trade union who congratulates the attackers! Activists from the feminist collective Némésis, including its president Alice Cordier, were in fact violently attacked at la Place de la République in Paris.

The images are very violent because we can see the girls being punched while some are on the ground!

The group was the victim of insults and blows when they came to denounce certain people from the Popular Front.

"The activists of the Némésis Collective came to use their freedom of expression to remind people of what the New Popular Front really is: a collection of violent attackers with women, supporters of terrorists, anti-Semites” 

asserts the collective in a message published on X.

Members of Némésis displayed signs during the anti-RN demonstration on Place de la République in Paris, provoking the ire of some demonstrators.

Alice Cordier denounced the attack perpetrated by “men of the left”, highlighting the unprecedented scale of the violence and hatred they suffered. She thanked her security team for preventing a more tragic outcome.

Nemesis activists, shocked by the brutality of the attacks, strongly condemned the violence and hatred directed against them. They highlighted the premeditated nature of the attack, underlining the particular animosity of the attackers, in particular the Antifas. The collective affirms that 

“the danger today for women in France is THEM”

Note that this gathering was called by media committed to the left (Streetpress, Mediapart, Politis, Arrêt sur images, etc) but also by unions (CFDT, CGT, Confédération paysanne, FSU, etc).