When a government laden with bureaucrats (the highest rate in Europe) decides to use taxpayer money to hold a salon to attract more people to the civil service, and get more citizens interested in helping bloat the various ministries and services, it was only natural that a couple of clear-headed taxpayers would say Enough! and decide to take matters into their hands, and make their way to the salon in order to demonstrate what exactly would be the main functions of the coming legions…
Révélations sur le politiquement correct, les partis pris et le refus de mettre en doute les grandiloquences auto-congratulatoires des autorités (avec preuves à l'appui) qui sévissent dans le journal de référence, Le Monde, et dans d'autres médias français…….Bilingual Documenting and Exposing of the Biased Character of French Media, Including its Newspaper of Reference, Le Monde