During an intense one-hour debate on the la Locale TV station, with UNESCO's Beseat Kiflé Sélassié moderating, Erik Svane and Ellen Kountz

Révélations sur le politiquement correct, les partis pris et le refus de mettre en doute les grandiloquences auto-congratulatoires des autorités (avec preuves à l'appui) qui sévissent dans le journal de référence, Le Monde, et dans d'autres médias français…….Bilingual Documenting and Exposing of the Biased Character of French Media, Including its Newspaper of Reference, Le Monde
Les propositions de la commission [Simpson-Bowles] n'ont pas été adoptées et ses travaux illustrèrent le refus de compromis des républicains, ces derniers accusant le président d'avoir fait capoter des négociations.Cette phrase peut être coupée en deux parties :
DOESN’T FIT THE NARRATIVE: Democrats Literally Do Not Want To Debate Simpson-Bowles. “President Obama commissioned former Sen. Alan Simpson and former Clinton chief of staff Erskine Bowles to come up with a deficit reduction plan. When they delivered their plan, Obama ignored them and proceeded to rack up about $5 trillion in new debt for the nation. One might expect that the president’s actions could come up in the presidential debates this fall. But if several Democrats get their way, no questions about Simpson-Bowles will be asked.”
Have you noticed how they [how leftists] always try to rewrite the rules so that they can win without fighting?
Le président François Hollande a été interpellé par une habitante ce soir à Echirolles (Isère), où il était venu rendre visite aux familles des deux victimes de la rixe mortelle de vendredi. "Mon fils aussi, il a vécu ça. Il n'est pas mort, heureusement. J'allais vous écrire. Vous êtes là aujourd'hui. Ces deux-là, il ne faut pas qu'ils soient morts pour rien", lui a lancé cette femme. "Ils ne le seront pas", lui a répondu le chef de l'Etat. "Il faut que ça change à Grenoble ou Echirolles. C'est devenu le Texas. On est où là, M. le président ? J'ai voté pour vous ! Tous ces gens-là, ils ont voté pour vous !", a poursuivi l'habitante.Carine sniffs about this AFP story:
"Eh bien, ils ont droit à la sécurité, c'est ce que je suis venu leur apporter. Sécurité, justice et réussite ! Merci !", a répondu François Hollande, accompagné du ministre de l'Intérieur, Manuel Valls. A la suite d'une première dispute, Kevin, étudiant en master, et Sofiane, âgés tous deux de 21 ans, ont été lynchés par un groupe d'une quinzaine de jeunes munis de manches de pioche, de marteaux et de couteaux.
2 kids age 21 have been slaughtered near Grenoble by a group of “youths” writes Carine. The “youths” used hammers, knifes and pickaxes handles.Duncan Hill comments:
What was the reaction of one of the women there when Hollande visited?
“This must change in Grenoble or Echirolles. This place has become Texas. Where are we, Mr. President ? I voted for you ! All these people, they voted for you! »
To compare this to Texas is so ignorant that it doesn't deserve a rebuttal...but, since I can't resist...a more accurate comparison would be Camden, NJ. The murder capital of the US. And they're so broke, they've laid off their police force.Carine replies:
Why can't Europeans accept that their paradise is and always has been an illusion?...that's a rhetorical question. Their problems are their own and comparisons to the US are baseless.
I’d risk another comparison, and that would be Kinshasa. Look at what the “youths” used as killing “tools.”
Of course any comparison with the U.S. is pointless, but they’ve been taught by public education teachers and indoctrinated by the media about Americans dying in the streets and killing each other. The wild wild west mythology is so engrained in their little heads that, although most have never been to the U.S., they will tell you “I don’t believe you” when you try to share your experience (Vs. their mythology).
Of course a comparison with Texas is fine, even if ridiculous. But dare the comparison I dared or ask if the “youths” were muslims and you’ll be lynched.
But these people vote.