In response to queries from French radio listeners about which blogs to read to get a conservative viewpoint, No Pasarán was mentioned, as was Le Monde Watch, and of course Instapundit, which was called incontournable, and the best of all.

il y a un site web qui s'appelle Instapundit que tout le monde devrait lire — qui montre ce que disent [et pensent] les conservateurs américains — qui dit "This will bring more Trump" [Ceci va amener plus de Trump] et il dit "Do you want more Trump?" (Est-ce que vous voulez plus de Trump?). Eh bien, ce que vous faites [avec toutes ces marches et toutes ces protestations et toute l'hystérie], ça va donner plus de Trump. Donc, Trump en profite.
Translation: there is a website named Instapundit that everybody should read, which shows what conservative Americans say and think — which has been observing, This will bring more Trump. And it asks leftists, Do you want more Trump? Because, all that you are doing [with all your demented demonstrations and protests], is bring more sympathy for the man you oppose. So, what you are actually doing is work for Trump's benefit.Towards the end of the show, as the readers' questions were read aloud (1:01:11), one question puzzling Frenchmen that came up concerns which conservative blogs besides (Infowars and ZeroHedge — in one reader's opinion) are the best to consult on American affairs?
Here is Erik Svane's (translated) response, after mentioning his own blogs, No Pasarán and Le Monde Watch — both of which celebrated their 13th anniversaries recently (1:01:55):
But the best one of all — I am not associated with it, unfortunately — if you want non-caricatural views on conservatives or on Republicans, you should read PJ Media's Instapundit — Instapundit is spelled I, N, S, T, A, P, U, N, D, I, T — their bloggers are the best, they broach all kind of subjects, they often display humor, and — again — this is where we get the aforementioned sentence addressed to leftists, If you want more Trump, you'll have more Trump, with all your displays of demented hysteria, with the latest hysterical bout concerning the latest decision from The Donald's White House.This comes after Instapundit was mentioned on French TV a number of times, between 2004 and today.
PS: Click at 17:28 to hear Lee Greenwood sing God Bless the U.S.A. (I'm Proud to Be an American).
RELATED (to the French presidential election):Libre Journal du nouveau monde du 15 février 2017 : “Les festivités de la cérémonie d'investiture de Donald Trump ; Les débuts de la nouvelle administration américaine”
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