The lunatics aren't just running the asylum, they're running our nation, ruining our nation
Michael Savage in his latest opus, which praises the GOP candidacy of one Donald Trump. In
Scorched Earth (
Restoring the Country after Obama), the radio host who for many years has "preached that ultratolerance is killing us" writes that
schools, libraries, movies, television, music, and social media are all
used to advance a politically correct, antiwhite, anti-American
agenda. Meanwhile, Islamists use all of these tools to advance
teachings of their own physical and moral superiority. When
traditionalist Americans flex muscle, our cultural institutions make
sure we are derided as imperialist, ethnocentric bigots. When Islamists
spew rhetoric that is actually imperialist, ethnocentric bigotry, our
cultural institutions tell us to be hypertolerant in the name of
diversity and multiculturalism.
… This is the dissolution of democracy itself under the guise of diversity. Diversity is destroying democracy.
Of course, this being
Michael Savage, the choice of words can sometimes seem, uhh… extreme.
Obama is called Maobama, Obamao, and Chairman O, as well as the
"sociopath in the White House." Senator Warren is called "Sister
Elizabeth" and "the wicked witch of the Left." Bernie Sanders is called
"that old Kremlinite" while John Kerry is referred to as "the secretary
of misstatement." Helen Thomas and Bella Abzug earn the nicknames of,
respectively, Helen the Hideous and Bellicose Bella. And George Soros
is depicted as "the criminal anarchist" while Facebook's founder, Mark
Zuckerberg, is called "Mr. Undershirt." As for Bill Clinton's wife, she
is called "Grandma Hillary the Benign, the Caring, the Just."
Michael Savage
is nothing if not non-partisan in his descriptions. He dismisses Ted
Cruz — extremely unfairly, I might add, in one of my few out-and-out
full-throttled objections to a passage in the
Michael Savage book — while George W Bush is called "another lawless and soulless bumbler."
But when
Michael Savage
feels that "We have an openly mad president who is doing everything he
can to decimate everything this country stood for, stands for, and would
stand for," you can understand why he doesn't feel up to being nuanced
in his language:
Here is a short list of
his crimes and misdemeanors: providing arms to people who would kill
Americans, whether they are Arabs in Gaza or the Mexican drug cartels;
using the Internal Revenue Service as a political weapon against
legitimate nonprofit organizations that dared to oppose him; changing
laws by executive action, rather than the way laws are supposed to be
made or amended: through congressional action—Congress, not the
president, is the lawmaking body in this country. We aren't a banana
republic—yet. Look at the way he implemented the so-called DREAM
immigration law: when Congress didn't go far enough to carry out his
agenda, he just executive-ordered it into existence.
Take the Iran nuclear deal, which gave more than $100 billion to a
nation chanting for our destruction every day. Not just chanting but
working on it in heavily fortified nuclear bunkers and in hidden sheds
where IEDs are built to kill our soldiers. How insane have we become?
Iranians in Tehran yell, "Death to America!" We respond by giving them
the tools to carry out their wishes.
What's more,
Michael Savage
does not shy from zingers or bringing controversial ideas to the table.
He mentions "the Republocrats" and, recalling the 1960s slogan"Better
Red than Dead" (while deploring the fact that "American boys are [being]
emasculated" and turned into "sensitive crybabies and metrosexuals"),
he writes that in today's world,
the weak-kneed nation … has embraced a philosophy of "Better Ahmed than dead."
Michael Savage calls for
specialized selective service call-up of every computer-savvy young man
and woman … we absolutely need mandatory cyberwarfare service, because
we are losing that war.
On page 286, incidentally, there is a mistake — a note refers to page 273 when it should refer to pages 261-262.
Speaking of 1960s agitators like Abzug, Ginsberg, Kunstler, and Timothy Leary, we get to learn some personal details about
Michael Savage 's life, such as the fact that he knew the latter personally.
that clown … hired me to guard his LSD from being stolen. Ginsberg
briefly appealed to me. I was a young leftist on the verge of my own
insanity. I was naive and stupid. I grew up. They never did.
the original teacher of leftist activism was an Italian communist named
Antonio Gramsci. … Gramsci's teachings gave us Abzug, Leary, Ginsberg,
and Kunstler. They taught our children their anti-Americanism,
antiheterosexual, antimale, antiwar, radical environmental agenda. The
cultural institutions spread the lies. The newest cultural institution,
social media, spreads these anti-American messages to every corner of
the globe.
The result is leftist agitators [like] Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton reaching the highest positions of power.
Michael Savage used to be, like so many of us, a leftist?! Among other surprising personal life disclosures we learn in
Scorched Earth,
there is this jewel that will leave your head shaking because of what
our management of the education field is doing to, and making of, our
I was a schoolteacher. I was a
social worker. Those are jobs typically held by far-left individuals.
So why am I not a socialist? Why did I become who I am, and when did
it happen? I became disenchanted because I became ambitious and wanted
to make something of myself. And once I expressed that desire, every
impediment you could imagine was thrown into my way.
was blocked from realizing my goal of becoming a college professor
because of my race and sex. I was not a minority and I was not a woman
and I was not a first-generation immigrant. Otherwise I would have
become a very happy college teacher. Like the rest of the leeches
called college teachers, 90 percent or more of whom do absolutely
nothing but collect a fat check and moan and groan about how bad
American capitalism is, I would have been a willing pawn in what has essentially become a gigantic brainwashing academy that destroys our youths with hatred and lies.
… They
intentionally skipped over better-qualified individuals and instead
gave academia the underqualified generation of college professors that
brought you to the debased university system we have today.
That's why, in our schools today, we don't have the blind leading the blind. We have subversives making a new generation of subversives. Men and women and transgenders whose eyes and ears and mouths are filled with hate for people who respect borders, language, and culture.
They're not universities with ideals anymore—not at all. These
deviants have turned universities into indoctrination centers, places
where deviancy is encouraged, all sorts of insanity are supported, and
issues of liberty and Americanism are denigrated. Where anti-American
revolutionaries are being taught to hate God, country, police, and
normal sexual behavior.
Let us end this review with what
Michael Savage calls the Ten Commandments of liberalism:
now we have a brainwashed generation of children raised on … outright
brainwashing in government schools where they fully believe things that
are false as though they are truths. They have no religion but
liberalism. They have been taught to live by the Ten Commandments of
• Man is evil and poisoning the earth.
• The earth is a living organism and needs to be protected.
• All white people are racist.
• All people of color are good.
• All refugees should be allowed in and given whatever they request.
• If people make too much money, it should be taken from them.
• Government handouts have no price tag.
• Nature should be protected at all costs, unless you don't like your gender.
• Burning the American flag is protected speech.
• All players on the international stage have equal credibility.
And so our brainwashed, drugged youth cast their brainwashed, drugged youth votes.
How, According to Michael Savage, the Communist System Works