I know the liberals call you 'the most dangerous man in America,' but don't worry about it, they used to say the same thing about me. Keep up the good work.— Ronald Reagan
in a letter to
Rush Limbaugh,
December 11, 1992
Révélations sur le politiquement correct, les partis pris et le refus de mettre en doute les grandiloquences auto-congratulatoires des autorités (avec preuves à l'appui) qui sévissent dans le journal de référence, Le Monde, et dans d'autres médias français…….Bilingual Documenting and Exposing of the Biased Character of French Media, Including its Newspaper of Reference, Le Monde
write Frédéric Filloux and Jean-Louis Gassée.Within two weeks, the French newspaper Le Monde will run out of cash
By this Monday at noon, candidates to the takeover of the most prestigious French daily will have disclosed their offers. By June 28, the staff will vote and make the final decision for the fate of the 66 years-old paper.More importantly, the newspaper’s independence will be under severe pressure.
Le Monde is the textbook example of the evolution of French press over the last years …