Marine Le Pen … who campaigns on an anti-immigration and anti-European platform, is increasingly seen as a serious presidential candidate in the 2017 elections
Susan Dominus in a lengthy New York Times Magazine piece…
… a recent poll found that if Le Pen ran for president now, she would
finish ahead of all presumed contenders, including Nicolas Sarkozy, a
conservative former president of France, and François Hollande, the
current Socialist president. Much of her party’s support comes from
regions far from Paris, in areas gutted by deindustrialization or in
tiny towns struggling with budget cuts and trying to keep traditional
village life going
There are many who find good things to say about France's Front National — notably the party's attempt to get rid, or to diminish the number, of
the repressive and extortionate radars ubiquitous on all the country's highways —
but just because the party is said to be a part of the right should not let people forget such things as the fact that Marine Le Pen is
a critic of the free market and
an interventionist in favor of
a strong state (like all the other politicians) — having indeed said that
"Obama is way to the right of us” (!) — and that France ought to "turn its back" on the American "hyper-power" and
"turn towards Russia" and its leader, Vladimir Putin.
Indeed, the New York Times'
Susan Dominus writes that
Both anti-establishment and populist, the National Front has cast itself
as a party for the little people, with a mix of proposals that confound
current American notions of right and left. Its platform calls for the
preservation of local services, protectionist trade policies and higher
taxes on the rich…
Vincent Pons, a French academic [and] a
campaign expert — a company he founded provides technological support to
candidates — reminded me how difficult it is to map basic American
assumptions onto the French political landscape. “In France, officially,
we don’t have race,” he said; it is illegal, for example, to ask about
race or religion on any government form. “We just pretend that race does
not matter, but it’s this crazy thing — of course it matters,” he said.
“There are no statistics, so you can make no policy around it. But even
if you tried, you’d be accused of making too much of race.”

Dans l'émission Toutes Les France sur la chaîne France Ô, Erwan Lecoeur et François Durpaire débattent
Alexandre Del Valle et Jean Robin sur le sujet "FN et Pouvoir
(Si Loin, Si Proche)". Ce dernier, éditeur d'Enquête
& Débat, essaie de dénoncer la censure généralisée.
Toutes les France 1ère (dernière?) télé Jean Robin par enquete-debat