Lutte anti-Bush oblige, Le Monde persiste à soutenir qu'en Irak, il faut faire abstraction complète des années de Saddam Hussein et mettre tous les ennuis irakiens sur le dos des Ricains.
Ainsi, ce titre : Iyad Allaoui hérite d'un Irak en ruine, occupé, divisé et infiltré. Quant au transfert de la souveraineté, les journalistes et les chroniqueurs du quotidien de référence ont rivalisé pour voir qui pouvait se moquer le plus de l'évènement, ainsi que de Paul Bremer.
Éric Fottorino ironisait sur "le « vice-roi » d'Irak", "le super-diplomate néoconservateur, si conservateur que jamais en public il ne tomba son costume-cravate bleu marine et ses rangers crème appelés aussi bottes de brousse ou bottes de combat", et qui est parti "Sans tambour ni trompette, sans amour et à la sauvette".
Dominique Dhombres écrivait que "La passation de pouvoir en Irak a été faite à la va-vite, à la sauvette, presque dans la clandestinité" et ironisait sur "une sorte d'attestation de fin de stage [remise] au premier ministre par intérim Iyad Allaoui".
À l'évidence, si quelqu'un leur disait que le discours de Paul Bremer était incroyable et qu'il a fait venir les larmes aux yeux des Irakiens, et qu'ils considèrent l'Américain comme leur fils et comme un vrai musulman, et qu'ils le bénissent, ils se tordraient par terre en hurlant de rire.
Or, à aucun des Français de citer les réactions des Irakiens. Non, la réaction des Irakiens doit être, ne peut être que, la même réaction, cynique, que celle des chroniqueurs installés à Paris. (Dans le cas contraire, elle ne vaut rien.)
Alors j'ai pris la liberté de vérifier quelques réactons irakiennes pour vous (et pour eux) et d'aller vérifier sur certains blogs irakiens. S'il faut en croire Iraq the Model (et il est certain qu'il faut s'en méfier, du moment qu'il ne partage pas les réactions cyniques de l'intelligentsia française), les réactions ont été quelque peu différentes que dans l'Hexagone :
A’ash Al-Iraq, A’ash Al-Iraq, A’ash Al-Iraq
The [hospital] hall was busy and everyone was chatting and laughing loud. … I approached the TV to listen carefully to [Paul Bremer's farewell] speech, as I expected it to be difficult in the midst of all that noise. To my surprise everyone stopped what they were doing and started watching as attentively as I was.
The speech was impressive and you could hear the sound of a needle if one had dropped it at that time. The most sensational moment was the end of the speech when Mr. Bremer used a famous Arab emotional poem. The poem was for a famous Arab poet who said it while leaving Baghdad. Al-Jazeera had put an interpreter who tried to translate even the Arabic poem which Mr. Bremer was telling in a fair Arabic! “Let this damned interpreter shut up. We want to hear what the man is saying” One of my colloquies shouted. The scene was very touching that the guy sitting next to me (who used to sympathize with Muqtada) said “He’s going to make me cry!”
Then he finished his speech by saying in Arabic,”A’ash Al-Iraq, A’ash Al-Iraq, A’ash Al-Iraq”! (Long live Iraq, Long live Iraq, long live Iraq).
I was deeply moved by this great man’s words but I couldn’t prevent myself from watching the effect of his words on my friends who some of them were anti-Americans and some were skeptic, although some of them have always shared my optimism. I found that they were touched even more deeply than I was. I turned to one friend who was a committed She’at and who distrusted America all the way. He looked as if he was bewitched, and I asked him, “So, what do you think of this man? Do you still consider him an invader?” My friend smiled, still touched and said, “Absolutely not! He brought tears to my eyes. God bless him.”
Another friend approached me. This one was not religious but he was one of the conspiracy theory believers. He put his hands on my shoulders and said smiling, “I must admit that I’m beginning to believe in what you’ve been telling us for months and I’m beginning to have faith in America. I never thought that they will hand us sovereignty in time. These people have shown that they keep their promises.”
A big salute to the courageous and noble man
Mr. Bremer whom we said good bye to this morning. He proved that he’s the right man for the tough times. He struggled together with his Iraqi brothers to overcome the hardships in a critical era for this country and the whole world. I’m going to miss his presence and so will many Iraqis because we feel that who left today is one of Iraq’s sons.
A big greeting to the men who decided to bear the responsibility of Iraq’s safety and Iraq’s future.
They needed courage and faith to decide to work for Iraq in this hard time. May God help them guide this country with wisdom until the day when elections come.
It’s hard to appreciate the efforts of all those who helped us to get our freedom and rebuild our country. We will never forget them. We will keep them in our hearts.
God bless Iraq and her people.
God bless America and her people.
God bless all the coalition forces who supported operation Iraqi freedom.
May God bless the souls of all those who sacrificed their lives to free Iraq.
Enfin, voici la conversation d'un des bloggueurs avec un Irakien… communiste pur et dur, qui lui pose une question (à l'évidence, les Irakiens aussi sont déçus par le départ précipité de Bremer, mais pas pour la même raison que les Français) :
Le communiste pur et dur :
"Ma mère aime Bremer comme
s'il était un musulman irakien"
- Do you know Abu Haider’s (Mr. Bremer) e-mail address?Mohammed termine par la lettre qu'il aimerait envoyer à Paul Bremer. (Étrangement, il n'utilise jamais l'expression "vice-roi", il ne parle jamais de son "départ à la sauvette", et il ne fait jamais référence à son costume et à ses rangers.)
- No! Why?
- I want to send him a letter.
- What for?
- To say thanks. Actually it’s not only me, it’s my mother Al-Hidjiyah; she made me promise her to send a letter to Mr. Bremer.
- Me too. I want to do that but unfortunately I don’t have his e-mail.
- Can you ask your American friends. Because I really feel bad that the man didn’t get the reward he deserves for his great efforts; we could at least make a party for him or a decent celebration. Did you listen to his farewell speech? it was incredible.
- Yes, it was and I’ll try to get his mail although I think it’s difficult but what did your mother exactly want to tell him?
- Well, Al-Hidjiya said “son, tell this man that Um Mushtaq says go with the blessings of Allah, you have suffered a lot for the sake of our country and we were not able to thank you in person and this makes us so sad” and she also said “although this is not right, because he is not Muslim but I have to say it and I don’t care what others may say”
My friend laughed as he said that.
I should mention that friend is a hard core communist who paradoxically bares strong admiration and gratitude for America.
- How can she ask for Allah’s blessings for Bremer when she believes that it’s not right for a Muslim to ask so? I said with a smile.
- You know these old people with their old fashion minds but she said she loves him as if he were an Iraqi Muslim.
I said good bye to my friend and thought about what he said, and I thought about writing a letter to Mr. Bremer and I don’t know how to deliver it.
I don’t like to give much credit to an individual no matter who he is, as I believe it’s one of the reasons we’re so behind the others. People in the east generally get attached to individuals more than ideas and the fact that Iraqis support Al-Yawer and Allawi more than they support the government as a whole is just one example of this. However I find myself compelled to write about Mr. Bremer because this man was never given the credit he deserves. That of course includes all the good people who worked with him.
We miss you Sir and we know that it’s been difficult for you too. Your speech has touched the hearts of all the Iraqis I have met just as your efforts have contributed in drawing the outlines of the bright future of Iraq, the new free democratic Iraq and we will never forget you. You worked hard as if you were a true son of Iraq and in fact you’re one of Iraq’s sons, that’s how we look at you.
I never heard anyone talk badly about you, I heard people say a lot of bad things about GWB and the GC members but you were the most respected and loved political character among Iraqis and I can say I’m almost sure that if there was a poll about who’s the most popular person in Iraq, then you would’ve been the winner.
You maintained an equilibrium in a very intricate situation and at a very difficult time and I doubt that someone else would’ve been able to do that.
You’ve understood the mosaicism of the Iraqi people and the desires, fears and demands of each group and dealt with them in the wisest possible way.
You were working hard to convince one group and satisfy another one to guarantee the progress of the process and you faced one crisis after the other and an attack after the other but all that didn’t affect your morale, stamina and high level of professionalism.
You were keen on leading Iraq to the shores of peace despite the harsh environment, and most Iraqis recognize that you succeeded in your mission.
Sir, Iraq loved you just like you confirmed your love in your farewell speech. We were touched just as you were. You have taken a place in our hearts just as you said we’ve taken our places in your heart.
We will be waiting for you to return with your grandchild Sophya (as you promised in your speech) and we’ll share your will to teach her the history of Iraq and I’m sure that she’ll love Iraq as you do.
Yes, we’d like you to come back to your country, Iraq. And we’d love to have you share the moments of joy with us as you shared the moments of sadness.
We would like you to live the moment of victory with us as you lived the moment of hardships.
I was never surprised when none of the western media broadcsted your impressive speech because I doubt their interest in showing the world the nature of the relation between you and the people of Iraq. But I’d like to tell you this:
Iraq loves you just as you love her.